



增值税回收和遵守从未如此容易!通过VATBox Direct的安全集成,您只需简单地点击几下即可将Concur Expense数据与VATBox的数据库连接起来。VATBox的自动化系统在幕后工作,以整合、映射和分析您的数据,并在定制的仪表板上提供深刻的见解,突出您公司的真实增值潜力。一旦完成了初始增值税分析,使用VATBox的完全自动化的基于云的增值税回收平台回收已发现的增值税就很简单了。不需要额外的预算、IT资源或冗长的文书工作。VATBox完全符合GDPR,所以您可以放心您的数据是安全的。所有收集到的数据都是机密的、加密的,不会与任何外部方共享。最大化你的增值税回报比以往任何时候都容易。点击“连接”或请求更多信息开始。________________________________________ 常见问题:1。 How does VATBox connect to Concur Expense? VATBox Direct easily connects to Concur Expense and leverages your existing data, processing it effortlessly to gain dramatically higher VAT refunds. Data transfer between Concur Expense and VATBox is seamless and eliminates the need to integrate your complicated VAT tables within Concur Expense, speeding up the entire sales and onboarding process. All you need to do is connect with VATBox Direct and approve SAP Concur connectivity. VATBox will take care of the rest. 2. How can you leverage the partnership between SAP Concur and VATBox? The SAP Concur and VATBox partnership delivers full insight into T&E and VAT spend via unprecedented analytics, segmentation, instant record retrieval, useful reports, detailed audit trails, and ultimately higher returns. With the automated expense reporting capabilities of Concur Expense, coupled with VATBox’s cloud-based VAT management system, analytics are accurate and reliable. VATBox maintains a database of all current and historical VAT rates, application rules and reclamation procedures across all international and domestic jurisdictions, updated in real-time, ensuring the highest levels of governance and compliance.


  • 费用标准

  • 费用——专业
