



重要提示:商务连接优步适用于您的整个组织。如果您试图将您的个人Uber账户连接到Concur Expense,请进入应用中心连接部分下方的“Uber”应用程序。Uber for Business是一个技术平台,它允许差旅经理实施地面差旅计划,并通过Uber for Business仪表板了解员工使用Uber的情况。所有这些都是通过你的员工已经在使用的应用程序!通过整合Uber for Business和Concur Expense,您的公司将获得:行程与相关的公司卡交易相匹配。•无需人工支出!•无缝上车:只需点击一下,就可以将您的员工加入Uber for Business。•始终更新:SAP Concur花名册的更改将自动同步到Uber for Business。•SAP Concur分析显示,优步的打车成本平均比出租车和黑色汽车低30%。 FAQ: 1.How much does it cost? The Uber for Business integration is free for SAP Concur customers. 2. How is this integration different than the Apps for Me Uber integration? The Uber for Business | SAP Concur integration is for organization-wide automatic receipt forwarding. Activating the integration means employees will no longer need to connect their individual Concur Expense accounts to their personal Uber accounts. Administrators also get a dashboard for visibility into ground transportation spend and a more complete view of their organization's’ trips activity. 3. Why should I use Uber for Business if some of my employees already use the e-receipt integration with Concur Expense? Using the Uber for Business and Concur Expense integration, organizations can start driving cost savings by encouraging adoption of Uber as an approved ground transportation provider. Additionally, by integrating with SAP Concur solutions, an organization’s employee roster can be updated automatically within Uber for Business. This means automated provisioning and de-provisioning and hands off management for administrators.
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