



- 审计团队将80%的时间识别出几乎没有关于财务或合规结果的行政错误 - 同意通过监督不断监控并分析100%的花费,自动识别废物,滥用和欺诈,并提供您需要优化花费,提高合规性并提高审计效率的数据洞察力。该解决方案使用AI随着时间的推移来分析所有数据尺寸,标记高风险事务和不合规的花费以揭示问题,例如重复犯罪者和与会者风险,否则会被忽视。显示并评分调查结果,以帮助您在合适的时间采取正确的行动。经过监督审查的优势: - 全球 - 由于其高中的方法,通过监督进行调节,使全球大量费用具有高卷的组织,以基于信心和潜在影响优先考虑异常的优先级。- 全面 - 通过利用各种指标并分析先前的行为,通过监督进行同意检测超出生成基于阈值的例外。- 灵活 - 通过监督进行同意检测允许组织对其业务进行适合的微调调整。此外,通过强大的预付方式和付款方式,您可以全面管理风险,具有更大的灵活性。好处?You and your finance team get: A Simplified Process: - Integrated with Concur Expense workflow - Leverages Oversight’s AI technology to automatically identify potential mistakes, fraud and patterns of misuse both pre- or post-reimbursement Risk Mitigation: - Employees are reimbursed faster given auto-approval of lower risk items - Provides focus on targeted at-risk items More Visibility and Control: - Machine learning analyzes expenses and receipts to detect fraud and anomalies humans can’t - Leverages multiple data points to provide confidence and impact assessments. - Receipt validation / verification with dollar amount, date and vendor Improved Employee Behavior: - Detect accidental misuse vs. intentional fraud - Identify areas for further review that could consist of mistakes or potential fraud/misuse - Auditors focus on resolving fraud (instead of finding it) and creating best practices To learn more about Concur Detect by Oversight, contact your SAP Concur Account Manager, or submit an inquiry to contact SAP Concur sales
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