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Occasional Member - Level 1

All of expense from one employee switch to another employee that have same last name

Occasional Member - Level 1

We have a few employees with same last name. In this case, Andrea Smith has been employeed since 2016, and Alisa Smith joined on Jan. 2020. Two weeks ago, we reallized all of Andrea expenses reports are under Alisa Smith. How do we tracked to see what happen and what are the steps to correct the issue? Please help

Community Manager
Community Manager

@xpresso2780we are going to need more information. For example, when you say expenses are these corporate card charges or out of pocket expenses.

Without more information, it will be hard to answer this question. Also, if you send me a Private Message with your company name, I can go in and take a look.

So, if you could clarify the type of expenses in your private message to me then your company name, I can see if I can figure out what is happening.

Since each user must have a unique login, I don't know how expenses could be showing up for another employee. I've never come across this before. Naturally, my curiosity has taken over and I want to go in and look.:slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Good morning,

Thank you for the quick response. Not sure how to send private messge, our company is Quotient Technology, please feel free to call me, Tiffany Nguyen, 408-206-7025, I am the admin for Concur