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New Member - Level 1

Dates on Expenses are Resetting to Last Day of Expense Report

I first noticed this a few weeks ago. I enter expenses through the Concur Mobile app (v 9.75.2). Daily expenses are dated appropriates. When filing expense reports, I select "Import Expenses" and select the appropriate expenses from the "Available Expenses" pane. On that pane, I can see the expense, amount and date are correct. However when I "Move to Current Report", the date of every expense moved is changed to the last date of the report. (I thought at first this was a user error on the mobile app, but last week I paid particular attention to ensure every expense was recorded correctly.)

Occasional Member - Level 3


Can you try manually creating an expense on the report using the current date? If you can't, it is most likely due to your Concur instance being in a different timezone.

Do revert with your findings on the matter.



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