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Occasional Member - Level 2

Expense report notification on email

Is it possible to get the notification after submitting an expense below certain limit on email.?

For example: If the employee submits the expense within concur with the report total of 25 USD or less so is it possible that employee received one email after submitting the expense report mentioning the report total is less, so please recall and add more expense in your concur report and submit again.

Please share your comments.

Mahul Bhatia
Occasional Member - Level 2

Do you mean that (in your example) you only want your users to create a report if the transaction is more than $25?

Occasional Member - Level 2

Yes, as a practice they should create one report if the total of report is more than 25 USD but we also don't want to restrict the user because it might be possible the user is not having any more expenses to submit. so we we have to accept report if it is less than 25 USD.

But as a process of letting them know we want one email notification should go to user that "报告总小于25美元所以和善的矩形all you expense, add more expense and submit again." after receiving such email, it will be up to him whether user wants to recall it or not. we don't want to restrict user.

Mahul Bhatia
Community Manager
Community Manager

@mahul27if you are on our Professional platform you can create an email reminder that if the report total is less than $25, the user should add more expenses. It is just an email notification only.

You can find it under Expense Admin. The way Email reminders work is you must create the Email Reminder Rule first (where you build the conditions), then once created, you create the Email reminder and associate it to the rule.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 2

Hi Kevin, Thank you for your reply, can you please let us know the whole process of implementing it via steps?

Mahul Bhatia
Occasional Member - Level 2

Thanks Mahul. Not sure if that specific feature — email notification related to the total spend exists, but one of the best practices is that, an alert could be posted or created on your Concur home page (visible to all users) reminding employees and encouraging them to submit only one expense report per company policy.

If you want to know how to do this, as an admin, you may contact SAP Concur’s support team. They are very helpful.

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