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About the Author
I manage the Timely Topics Education Series and Reporting Hub here on SAP Concur Community. If you're an admin, my main focus is to help you make the most of the SAP Concur solutions you already have through educational content like short webinars, demo videos, and quick tips. Please message me if you have ideas on what resources you'd like to see more of - I'd love to hear from you. When I'm not publishing new content, you can probably find me playing board games (like Splendor), hanging out somewhere on the waterfront here in Seattle, or *attempting* to learn how to play the keyboard...it's not going so well.

How to effectively train new users

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Conduct a monthly webinar (ex: the first Monday of each month) where every new user gets an invite. Sometimes new users do not watch video trainings, so this dedicated time allows them to have their questions answered on the spot. It also eliminates employees repeatedly asking the same questions. For this admin, this is something that has been effective in in reducing 1:1 call time for assistance!