
yellow shirted person standing with arms crossed and smiling

辞职。大戒烟。无论其名称如何,员工流动量的最新增加都是员工看到工作方式的重大转变的一部分。这些变化跨越了角色和功能 - 从暑期实习生到C-Suite,从人力资源到金融及其IT。

The best-prepared organizations have optimized processes needed to keep the organization running smoothly, offer benefits and training that employees value, and are ready for the next shift in employee expectations. Unprepared organizations, with less resilient operations, face compliance and cybersecurity risks, as well as retention and recruitment challenges.

Oxford Economics and SAP Concur business unit of SAP recently conducted a worldwide, cross-industry survey of 851 finance and IT executives and 851 employees in the finance and IT functions at companies with more than 1,000 employees. Some key findings include:

  • 60% of employee respondents agree that the pandemic caused them to re-evaluate what they value in a workplace – but executives are slow to understand this re-alignment or its broader implications.

  • 毫无疑问,灵活的工作将留在这里,但只有38%的员工同意他们公司的政策和技术有效地实现了灵活的工作。

  • 当研究不同的业务运营时,从收集,处理和支付供应商的发票(只有34%的高管表示他们对此有效)到管理现金,从而,各种旅行和费用(T&E)以及相关流程的有效性较低(T&E)及相关流程。流量(29%)。

  • Only 42% of survey respondents agree that their organizations use formal surveys to gauge employee sentiment and less than 50% of executives say they use employee feedback to influence updates to T&E policies.

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