Growth and Optimization

Eliminate Paper and Automate Invoice Payments for Aerospace, Defense, and Government Contracting

Roger Williams |

Reducing costs and gaining control of spend has never mattered more. And, automating your accounts payable process can help reduce manual work, stabilize operations, and provide visibility into your spend during times of uncertainty.

Imagine a touchless process -- implemented and deployed quickly -- that forecasts your spending and adapts your policies to your organization using SAP Leonardo machine learning, less human validation, and a secure cloud that keeps your information protected while providing ease of retrieval so you can update audit thresholds with a simple touch of a button.

8 Questions to Ask About Your AP System for Aerospace, Defense, and Government Contracting

This enables aerospace, defense, andgovernment contracting organizationsto have complete visibility into spend and the ability to shift your focus to redirecting budget where it is most needed.

Now your team can capture vendor invoices remotely, and process and distribute your summaries with ease, whether you're in the office or on the go.

Managers can use the Concur Mobile app to review and approve invoices, while your AP team gets near real-time visibility to avoid surprises. Leave the audit trail to us: We've got you covered with the right documentation for any audits that may come your way.

Our simple-to-use, advanced technology connects you to the reports you need, anytime and anywhere. With one click, edit thresholds and choose payment vendor options. We create a backup of your manual processes providing employees instant access to our secure cloud.

Concur Invoiceis here to help your business strengthen cost control and cut out the paperwork so you can stay in sync on spend across the board.

Ready to stabilize your operation and budgets with Concur Invoice?Contact ustoday to get started.

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