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偶尔会员 - 2级

Cognos报告 - 添加经过处理,批准,提交和未提交的报告数量

Hello, I am trying to create a report in Concur where I want following details,

对于提交和未提交的报告数量的每个国家 /地区计数,以及提交报告所需的平均时间。

对于每个国家 /地区的报告数量,批准和未决批准的报告数量以及批准报告所需的平均时间。

For each country count of Number of reports processed and pending processing , and the average time required to process the report.


Thank You in Advance.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@mamehtalet me start by saying that yes, you can achieve what you are looking for. However, due to your newness to Cognos, I would recommend doing this as three separate reports. Why? Because what you are asking for is technically three different queries and being a beginner, it would be very difficult, time consuming and frustrating for you to build this report as one report.

Now, I'm about transparency...so, I can tell you that to walk you through this would be a bit too much to type here in this forum. I can, however point you in the right direction to get you started. Luckily, each of these three reports are basically the same with a couple small variances.

For the first report, you will need to add the following data items to the report:

  1. Employee Country Code
  2. Employee
  3. 报告名称
  4. Approval Status
  5. Created Date
  6. 最后提交日期


Now, click on the new column named Number of Days to Submit. Go to the left hand menu in Cognos and select Edit. From the list that appears, select Summarize. In the Summarize section (appears below your report) on the right side look for a link labeled Advanced. Click this link. In the options that appear, you'll see an option for Footers. Click the dropdown arrow and then select Average. Then click OK. You will have to page down the report to see the summarized average per country. It will be in gray and bolded.


You may want to reach out to your SAP Concur account manager and ask about getting assistance with these reports from someone at Concur.


Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
树液Concur Community Manager
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Community Manager
Community Manager

@mamehtalet me start by saying that yes, you can achieve what you are looking for. However, due to your newness to Cognos, I would recommend doing this as three separate reports. Why? Because what you are asking for is technically three different queries and being a beginner, it would be very difficult, time consuming and frustrating for you to build this report as one report.

Now, I'm about transparency...so, I can tell you that to walk you through this would be a bit too much to type here in this forum. I can, however point you in the right direction to get you started. Luckily, each of these three reports are basically the same with a couple small variances.

For the first report, you will need to add the following data items to the report:

  1. Employee Country Code
  2. Employee
  3. 报告名称
  4. Approval Status
  5. Created Date
  6. 最后提交日期


Now, click on the new column named Number of Days to Submit. Go to the left hand menu in Cognos and select Edit. From the list that appears, select Summarize. In the Summarize section (appears below your report) on the right side look for a link labeled Advanced. Click this link. In the options that appear, you'll see an option for Footers. Click the dropdown arrow and then select Average. Then click OK. You will have to page down the report to see the summarized average per country. It will be in gray and bolded.


You may want to reach out to your SAP Concur account manager and ask about getting assistance with these reports from someone at Concur.


Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
树液Concur Community Manager
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偶尔会员 - 2级


Thank You

New Member - Level 1

Hi@mamehtawhere you able to create the report for number of processed reports?



偶尔会员 - 2级


1. Select all the expense report in your system

2. In the filter prompt, from the workflow trail folder add the following filters to filter your data to only show processer approved expense reports

一个。[步骤操作日期/时间]不是零 - 这将滤除未批准的所有费用报告

b。[当前工作流标志(电流= 1)] = 1-这仅考虑已处理过的费用报告

C。[角色遗产密钥]在('acct_clerk')中 - 仅选择分配给处理器的费用报告

d. [Employee Assigned to Step] <> 'System, Concur' - Will not select those expense reports that were processed by the system.


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