Routine Member - Level 2

Hi Ben,

文件批处理out of the payment manager could be considered some form of an archive, as it will contain the data of who was paid out what amounts, from where the expenses came (vendor, report name, date, etc.), and other information. The credit card batch files will also contain this kind of information.

For my company, we keep all these batch files on file, and they contain mostly all of information about the expenses. One notable exception that many in the community have been asking for is the Comment field. Currently, I don't believe there's a way to include comments in a batch file. These batch files also do not contain receipt information, but for our purposes, we are essentially relying on Concur as our historical records database for receipt info.

I'm not sure if Concur offers some kind of data dump that can be initiated automatically or on-demand to extract all that information - comments, receipts, and everything - nor if a function exists to destroy 10+ year old data. My company is currently utilizing Concur Standard, so it's possible something like this exists in Concur Professional? I'm unsure.

Great questions, though; maybe some Concur folks can chime in here as to what options are available, or could be in the future.
