Occasional Member - Level 1

A) This was not allowed in our policy and will not be added

B) Five-star properties were not allowed in our policy and will not be added. Select 4-star properties are used and will continue to be used.

C) This was not allowed in our policy and will not be added

D) Direct flights have always been allowed in our policy

E) This has been allowed and will continue in our policy

Our biggest change post-pandemic, is looking at why we travel. Enhancements in technology and changing demographics are enabling tasks to be accomplished virtually or a combination of in-person/virtual. Instead of sending 3 or 4 people to a presentation and/or visit, we are sending 1 or 2 in-person and the remaining people join virtually. Sales folks will continue to travel but internal travel will almost completely disappear. After effectively working remotely for over a year, senior management is saying …. "I guess most of those in-person internal meetings weren't as necessary as we thought." It's about doing things differently and achieving the same or a better outcome.