


90分钟的SAP创新现场直播,见证帮助中小型企业成功的技术创新。无论你是在寻找吸引和雇佣人才,管理业务增长,还是发现、培养和管理客户,你的企业品牌、产品、员工和客户都会有相关的例子。投资家、连续创业者、五次获得《纽约时报》畅销书作者、VaynerX董事长加里•维涅尔查克(Gary Vaynerchuk)知道如何吸引注意力。问问他的1200万社交媒体粉丝就知道了。我们将和Gary讨论如何建立业务,成为品牌先锋,以及新兴技术如何在这两方面发挥作用。作为一家现代通讯公司的首席执行官和白手起家的品牌大师,他的独特经历将激励你,并为你提供实用的建议,让你付诸行动。了解更多。
它可以令人恐惧地接近贵公司的新途径,但如果你能真正弄清楚你的客户需求,以及如何最好地到达它们,您将能够实现令人印象深刻的结果并超越竞争。现在是时候让您的营销带来创意和个人,以便让人们享受他们享受的经验,并且只需与他们的朋友分享。尝试下面的下面的营销策略,以产生真正的影响。理想情况下,客户体验较小的企业应该在客户体验方面拥有较高手。他们知道他们的客户,了解他们的偏好,并与他们建立关系。但是,如果没有营销计划,以确保新客户和忠诚度来自当前的客户,它可能很难规模。它始于公司范围的倡议,将客户放在首位,并培训员工来查看每个账户,每张账户,作为一种关系。为您的客户提供他们想要的东西,他们会继续回来。接近新市场的一种方式,以便在竞争领先于追求他们不追求的市场。每个企业都有特定的客户群体,它们非常适合。 Know what groups these are for yourself and your competitors, and once you’ve perfected your approach in one area, seek a new cohort to help. These groups don’t need to be huge to make a big impact on your business; you just have to offer the best solution that meets their needs. Acquire Business Partners There are companies you can work with who offer related or complementary services. If you are in finance, reach out to hospitals; they’re the closest to growing families–commission an advertisement campaign about your family investment opportunities. Realtors regularly work with banks and home inspectors. Technology companies can co-market with their channel partners. Work with others in your industry and build a new stream of leads. Partner marketing is a powerful but often under-utilized marketing strategy that can provide a strong ROI, while sharing in the uplift. Modernize Your Brand Have you been in business for a while, or does your brand need some refreshing to breathe new life into your products or services? Choose a new message, look, and feel that puts the needs of your customers at the forefront of your campaign and redesign. By showing your focus on a modern approach, you’ll give customers another reason to learn more about your company and to develop an affinity. Enrich Your Online Presence In today’s digital world, most customers are on search engines, reading reviews, and exploring before making a purchase. It’s old news to say that every successful business needs an online presence; what’s of the upmost importance is to utilize digital marketing practices, like SEO, PPC, and email marketing, to be the prominent option. It’s one thing to be where your competitors are online, but it’s a whole new ballgame when you’re able to “outrank” them on Google. Be Social Find out which social media platforms (i.e., LinkedIn, Instagram) are popular in your line of business–join and get posting! Your company’s social media profiles are great places to share photos of your employees and events, show off media opportunities, promote thought leadership and offers, and to build and engage with your network. Social media is also a powerful platform for loyalty and referral programs. Get Involved Work with nonprofits that need support, either in your local community or virtually. This could be through schools and universities, animal rescues and shelters, sports teams, or support groups. Many nonprofits run fundraisers where they give you the opportunity to pay for marketing exposure by supporting their cause. Giving back also shows the people behind your business and what they stand for. It’s a wonderful way for customers to connect with your business on a deeper level. Teach There are several ways you can help your customers. For instance, send an email when your business partners are offering special incentives or offers. Do you offer a product or service that requires education or is connected to a larger effort? Conduct a webinar or create a video that explains the benefits of your solutions and how they associate with your customer base. People want to hear about the news that matters to them, and you can be at the forefront of this by keeping their well-being at the top of your list of priorities. There are infinite ways to get your company to stand out amongst the competition. Today, the most successful marketing campaigns are based on being different, creative, and giving customers exactly what they want. What are your most impactful marketing strategies?
将客户置于营销策略的中心,通过更相关的参与,是实现真正的客户体验营销的有效步骤。我们的目标是以客户为中心,通过提供超出客户预期的信息和他们真正想要的服务,而不是基于以公司为中心的议程。充分了解客户,提供相关和个性化的体验是客户体验营销的基石。以下是创造你自己的营销策略,真正吸引你的客户的六个技巧。以客户为中心以客户为中心要求组织中的每个人都参与其中,这是从最高层开始的。让每一次与客户的互动都成为“关键时刻”——尽可能与客户相关并具有个性化。提供全渠道的参与——客户体验需要在整个过程中保持一致、整合和无缝。满足客户期望将客户视为业务的积极驱动者,并询问如何通过对话和参与将他们引入。利用客户的反馈来做出改变或改进,以不断满足和超越他们的需求。传达一种卓越的期望,帮助建立客户忠诚度和品牌传道者。 Consider each stage of the customer journey The customer journey is no longer a fixed process, but rather a more complex, non-linear experience. The entire organization is responsible for touchpoints along a customer journey. Deliver messages and offers in a personalized, timely, and relevant manner. Adapt to customer demands Focus on meeting the needs of your customers and examine how you can meet those needs with your products or services. Listen, observe, and respond with quick and relevant responses. You can only exceed customer expectations by delivering value, listening and engaging, and creating personalized, branded experiences. Engage customers in the right context Marketers need to connect with customers in the manner that best suits them – inbound or outbound – on the device, channel, and at the time that meets their individual needs. Be prepared and able to interact with your customers consistently, across all your channels at each step of their journey. Marketing infiltrates the entire organization Customers don’t separate marketing from the product, marketing from their in-store or online experience, or marketing from the company, which makes everyone in the organization responsible for marketing. Companies should become marketing vehicles, and the marketing organization should become the customer-engagement engine responsible for all tasks relating to customer engagement approaches. There must be a mind-set around creating customer interaction touchpoints that add up to create a memorable customer experience. What are your company’s most engaging marketing efforts?
每一家企业都希望创造卓越的客户体验。正是这些难忘的体验让普通的顾客变成了热情的忠实粉丝。这些粉丝当他们无法停止谈论贵公司时,那些粉丝成为品牌大使,这反过来又可以带来一个新的前景。但是,如果您的客户体验只是平庸的话怎么办?虽然传统的忠诚度方法不一定要向客户包装包装,但它确实将它们打开,被一位精明的竞争对手抢走。根据麦肯锡,在“CEO客户经验指南”中,“通过掌握特殊客户体验的概念和执行客户的概念和执行是一个挑战。然而,在客户挥动不断发展的环境中,这是领先的基本要求。“您需要以完全以客户为中心的方式为终身客户忠诚度铺平道路。在这里,我们将四个必须为您的企业进行攻击,以提高客户体验:提供顶级客户支持创建个性化体验利用大数据来了解您的客户on an individual level Reward customer loyalty to foster brand ambassadorship Let’s examine ways you can leverage these strategies to turn the ordinary into the extraordinary. 1. Provide top-notch customer support Continuing to deliver a positive customer experience post-purchase can help keep customers coming back. That means customer support plays a crucial role in driving satisfaction and improving the overall customer experience – essentially serving as an extension of marketing that comes after a sale. Today’s consumers demand instant gratification, because–let’s face it–they’ve become accustomed to benefits of immediacy today’s technology provides. So, now it’s up to businesses to leverage those same technologies to provide always-on, prompt customer support options through a variety of channels. 2. Create personalized experiences Consumers also expect companies to treat them like individuals rather than just one more digit in an audience segment. Personalization that consists of lumping email subscribers into different lists, based on a few of their interests, is long gone. Everyone wants to feel special and valued; your prospects and customers are no different. It’s more than just altering their name in an email greeting–it’s about catering messages, offers, and communication to their individual needs, likes, and desires. It’s well worth the effort. “By 2020, customer experience will overtake price and product as the key brand differentiator,” according to “The Future of B-2-B Customer Experience” report, from consulting firm Walker . How do you gain the insights needed to personalize these experiences for your audience? With data, insights, and actions. 3. Leverage big data to know your customers on an individual basis There’s a plethora of data about individual consumers who engage with brands, and businesses have to know where to find it, how to gather it, and translate that data into actionable insights. This in-depth, individual view of each customer should encompass several types of information, including: Behavioral Contextual Rapidly-changing usage Service interaction Social Consumption The available pool of data is vast, yet it’s crucial to consider various categories of information, along with how consumers interact and even influence data and outcomes in other categories. For example, a frequent consumer of lattes may be likely to stop at their favorite coffee shop along a certain route – but not during rush-hour traffic conditions. In this case, the context is influencing behavior. That’s why it’s imperative for brands to leverage big data and customer analytics tools that eliminate silos and consolidate data into a single, comprehensive view of every individual consumer. Gartner Analyst Melissa Davis explains, “Customer analytics is the No. 1 planned technology investment to transform the customer experience. Data and analytics leaders must understand how real-time responses, customer journey analytics, and leveraging AI are trending and will shape the future of customer experience in digital business.” 4. Reward customer loyalty to foster brand ambassadorship Offering loyalty programs matters, and equally important to the overall customer experience is the loyalty program experience itself. According to Hubspot , “Customer loyalty is not easily created. Customers are driven by their own goals and will be loyal to the company that can fulfill them best. It doesn't matter if they have a positive history with your brand, if a competitor puts a better offer on the table then the customer is going to take it.” Provide consumers with tools and apps to monitor their rewards, make it easy for them to earn and redeem rewards, and, of course, personalize it. Map your customer marketing, sales, and support tactics to these overarching strategies to create a customer experience that stands out from the ordinary and makes a lasting impression on your customers. Do it well, and your customers might just become those exuberant, loyal fans who can’t stop talking about your business.
今天,留住客户并在竞争中胜出的关键是提供持续卓越的客户体验。创建优秀的客户体验需要了解您的客户,创建个性化互动,并创新。这就是拥有强大客户体验策略的地方。一旦您拥有稳固的客户体验策略,您可以将品牌分开。品牌正在实现创造丰富的客户体验的价值(CX)。这些公司了解成功实施仔细制作的CX战略是提高客户满意度,减少客户流失和更高收入的关键。然而,在经验公司提供的经验和客户获得的经验之间存在断开连接。CX战略最佳实践可以帮助品牌快速提高客户体验,因为它在运动中设置了球。以下是三种最佳实践,可以将您的品牌推进到优越的客户体验平流层中。1.创建以客户为中心的文化,您必须先将客户放置,以设计成功的CX策略。有一件事要说,您的业务专注于客户,并相当于以客户为中心。 Management must work to create a customer-centric culture throughout the organization, and help employees understand the value of creating a rich customer experience. It helps to put everyone in the customers’ shoes. Keep in mind that simply creating a customer-centric culture isn’t enough if you want to create a successful CX strategy. You need to make your efforts sustainable and consistently evaluate your company culture to make changes as needed. 2. Map the customer journey and build to customer experience mapping How do you go about personalizing the customer experience? Start by mapping your customer journey. These maps show gaps between customer expectations and the actual experience at key stages of the journey. At the very least, customer journey maps should contain the context, a persona, outcomes, and touchpoints. Companies new to customer journey mapping should carefully define their objectives. With clear goals in mind, you’re much more likely to define a path to achieve them. It’s also helpful to include executives in the process of defining objectives and engaging them in the process. Then, define the scope of the project by identifying the processes and specific customers that will be targeted in the journey mapping process. It’s better to complete customer journey mapping for each key customer segment. Once you master customer journey mapping, move on to customer experience mapping. Customer experience maps deliver key insights to help you streamline your CX strategy. These maps go one step further by examining the complete picture of the customer experience with a brand, analyzing behavior and interactions across touchpoints and channels. These maps can help you understand the process each customer segment goes through when interacting with your brand, and surfaces potential interactions throughout the whole buying journey. Customer experience maps are a must for determining why customers don’t have the best possible experience, especially when you are not sure where the disconnect is happening. 3. Create personalized, relevant and timely interactions Of course, personalization starts with knowing your customers, and knowing them well. Using innovative technology to listen to customers, gather data from all of your interactions with them, and to learn from their behavior to get a complete picture is paramount. Then, you can target their unique interests and meet their expectations. With a better understanding of your customers’ patterns of behavior and needs, you’ll have the knowledge to more accurately predict their next moves for more relevant campaigns. This more strategic approach to using customer data could mean the difference between losing or gaining a customer. Having a solid customer experience strategy will enable you to stand out from the competition and increase revenue from new and loyal customers. To get your customer experience right, and close the gap between customer perceptions and experience, you need to craft a successful CX strategy.