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Who Me Too'd this topic

Who Me Too'd this topic

Occasional Member - Level 2

What do you think about creating an area in this Community to share configurations?

Knowing that each of us has their own configuration expert at their University- I figure we each don't need to re-invent the wheel, especially when one of us has mostly likely already designed the solution we are seeking! I am interested discussing, and sharing our configurations and audit rules to learn from each other and share tips and tricks. Do you think you would be interested in doing this? We could create a board of topics and have answers or suggestions posted by all of us- Perhaps even a repository of pdfs and spreadsheets and other examples of how we do what we do in Invoice - Here are a few examples of issues that this community could solve between us:

Do you have an issue with updating encumbrance values in Invoice on POs that have been amended?

What sort of tolerance configurations do you have to allow for shipping and other things on invoice payments?

你创建POs允许多个我吗nvoices against a single line? - ex: 10,000 units at $1 vs. 1 unit at $10,000. If so, what is your workaround when the invoice amount has a different unit price/quantity, or is there a better way of creating a large encumbrance to allow for multiple invoices in Concur Invoice?

Who Me Too'd this topic