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Occasional Member - Level 1

Delayed Payment due to Missing Bank Information

My expense report shows that the payment was not processed due to missing bank account information. I have corrected this problem. Do I need to re-submit this report, or will the payment proceed as normal without any additional input from me?

Super User
Super User

Hi Nneumann87,

The payment should re-send once the bank account is confirmed - see status under your bank information. You can check the report payment status by opening the report, go to the Report Details drop down and select Report Payments.

Community Manager
Community Manager

@Nneumann87what@dlamontsaid is spot on. If you click Expense at the top of the SAP Concur home screen, you will see your report on the next screen. You should see the status on the report. It likely says Sent for Payment or Processing Payment. If it doesn't say either of those statuses, please let me know what status you see.

Likely, you don't need to do anything.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

Hey Kevin! It says Sent for Payment, and the payment details still say pending. It has been sitting like this for 10 days. Please see the audit trail messages below and let me know if you think there is anything else I need to do.

06/19/2023 12:54 PM System, Concur Employee Reimbursement Details Entries due the employee cannot be processed because the employee does not have an active bank account.
06/19/2023 12:54 PM System, Concur Queued for processing The report was added to the Expense Pay processing queue.
Community Manager
Community Manager

@Nneumann87is your bank account on your profile your current bank account or have you changed bank accounts fairly recently? From the messages you provided, it looks like the system added your report to the pay queue, but when attempting to pay, found that the bank account isn't active.

I would check on your bank account status, but I wasn't able to find your company name and you used a personal email here on your profile. If you send me a private message with your work email address and your SAP Concur username, if different from your work email, I can look you up and see what the system shows for your bank account. Don't worry, the system masks your bank account number.:slightly_smiling_face:

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 1

@KevinDI forgot to tag you in my initial response.

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