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Occasional Member - Level 1

Employee incentives

In the old expense system, I could upload the 60 -145 names of the people that received amazon gift cards for our good and great catch programs. I run a month worth of names in a cognos report , upload that to Amazon and they email gift cards for the program. I used to upload the invoice and a list of names ran from Cognos to the old expense system and now I'm supposed to put every name in separately. That is going to be a huge burden in manhours . Please advise

Community Manager
Community Manager

@lawilliayou can upload attendees in the New UI. Click the Attendees link at the top of the expense details. On the next screen, click Add. You will see four tabs. The fourth tab says Import Attendees. See my screenshot. Do you not have that option?


Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3


I have the New UI but I do not have that tab for attendees. This would be very helpful. How do we make sure our company has it? We are about to start rolling out the New UI to everyone.

Thank you,


Community Manager
Community Manager

@robbin-gthe ability to add attendees to an expense is in the configuration of that expense type.

What expense type did you choose where you thought you should see the Attendees option but didn't? If you could provide a screenshot of the entire screen, that would be helpful.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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Occasional Member - Level 3

Hi Kevin

It does not appear for Gift Card or Business Meals (Attendees), for example.


Is this something we Concur admins can activate?


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