Community Manager
Community Manager

@EayaneguiI won't argue that the receipt attachment and saving takes longer now in the new UI. I have to use the new UI as well and I will admit there are features of our Legacy UI I wish were part of the new UI. For example, the ability to drag and drop receipts.

As far as viewing all receipts on a fixed page, I can view all receipts attached to a report. I don't know if that is what you mean by a fixed page. In our Legacy UI you had options to view receipts in new or current window. Now it says Manage Attachments or View Receipts in New Window if you are looking at your own reports. If you are viewing reports as an approver or processor, the view options are still the same since the new UI isn't activated for the approver and processor views.

As for reverting back, I don't believe you can once your entire site has been converted to the new UI. Even if you could, October 1st of this year is the mandatory cutover and all of our customers will be moved to the new UI.

Thank you,
Kevin Dorsey
SAP Concur Community Manager
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