Routine Member - Level 2


My company currently is using a CBCP card program, and we came up with this process due to the very issue you described. Very likely, not all card activity will be reconciled correctly on reports and approved before the cycle needs to post onto the ledger, and we needed a way to captureallactivity, not just what was submitted.

As such, we do not use the batch export files as a means for recording values, but rather we created a custom process that uses a few custom reports run out of Analysis / Cognos. These reports gather information on all credit card transactions that posted within our billing cycle and then we compile those reports together to create a master upload into our ledger. There might be a simpler way to accomplish this in Professional, but since we're on Standard we've had to use what was available.

We have four reports that are run:

  • List of all transactions posted in the period.This captures the unique Transaction ID, name on card, merchant, date, amount, and whether the transaction was assigned to a report or not.
  • List of all transactions assigned on reports.This shows all itemizations (if any), coding segment values, and comments.
  • List of all allocations on reports.这对所有的费用我捕获分配分裂n the period with coding segments and appropriate comments.
  • List of unassigned transactions.This shows the default Expense Type assigned as the transaction is imported, and the default coding segments assigned to the employee on whose card the transaction sits.

On all four reports that unique Transaction ID is listed for each line, and we use some Excel VLOOKUP functions to pull all coding information, allocation splits, and itemizations onto a single sheet. We then clean up the data (i.e. replace any Undefined Expense Types with a Miscellaneous one, some organization-specific items, and ensuring fraudulent activity is coded correctly), verify the total amount, and send to our accounting software.

The whole process takes me about 2-3 hours or so to get it right, but it gives us the full gamut of transactions within a reporting cycle to the penny. We also use this as a motivation for our employees, to say "If you don't get your report in on time, default coding values will be applied and you'll need to submit a request to have it corrected on the back end if you want your budget info to be accurate."

On average, we have about 5% or so that goes unassigned and that has default coding applied, but we had an aggressive push a year ago or so to get employees' default coding updated, so that reduced a lot of error, even with this 5%.
