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Who Me Too'd this topic

Who Me Too'd this topic

Occasional Member - Level 2

Concur Capture - Rejection email response

Hi All, just a wonder if how many of us are utilizing capture service here?

When an invoice is successfully sent intoconcur capture email, an immediate auto-response email is provided to the sender, notifying successfully received, which is normal and good.

However, if the invoice somehow fails to process towards Concur (due to any reason) , the rejected email only goes to a FIXED DESIGNATED email, and not to original sender. It seems illogical here that the original sender isn't notified of the rejection directly, something which we all are used to in this day/era, given that we perform everything online (payments/etc etc) and if any transaction fails, we'll be notified directly and immediately, and not be blind on it.

How can we better this?

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